Dyeing Process of Functional Ribbon

Dyeing Process of Functional Ribbon

  • Time of issue:2022-11-25

Dyeing Process of Functional Ribbon

(Summary description)Functional webbing can be used not only as a kind of clothing accessories, but also as a kind of textiles. There are two main methods of coloring the webbing.

  • Time of issue:2022-11-25
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Functional webbing can be used not only as a kind of clothing accessories, but also as a kind of textiles. There are two main methods of coloring the webbing. One is the most widely used dyeing method, which mainly involves placing the webbing in a chemical dye solution. Another method is to use paint, which is made into tiny insoluble colored particles that stick to the fabric.

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Dye is a relatively complex organic substance with many types.
1. Acid dyes are mostly suitable for protein fibers, nylon fibers and silk. It is characterized by bright color, but poor washing degree and excellent dry cleaning degree. It is widely used in natural dead dyeing.
2. Cationic dye (alkaline fuel), suitable for acrylic, polyester, nylon and fiber and protein fiber. It is characterized by bright color, which is very suitable for man-made fibers, but it is very poor in washing and light fastness for natural cellulose and protein fabrics.
3. Direct dyes are suitable for cellulose fiber fabrics. The washing fastness is relatively poor and the light fastness varies. However, the washing color of modified direct dyes will be well improved.
4. Disperse dyes are suitable for viscose, acrylic, nylon, polyester, etc. The washing fastness is different, polyester is better, and viscose is worse.




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